Thursday, February 10, 2011

well played...

So I was browsing online when I noticed something.

$558.  holy cow that's almost a month's rent for me. 

I paid (yes I occasionally fall off my budget wagon) less than $40 for these:

so I guess the lesson here is that if you're admiring a shirt or dress at DVF or a pair of Lanvin shoes (which I hear are actually amazing flats) but can't afford it, then go to Forever 21 (constantly being sued for allegedly copying designs like DVF) or the Gap. You'll actually be saving a few hundred bucks (I'd probably do this even if I was debt free anyway. Rich people love deals).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Energy Saver or my mother incarnate

The old me would see the below and walk by it without thinking twice. These days when I see an electrical outlet with something plugged in that isn't being used, I rush over (or run) to unplug.

I noticed a $30 difference in my electricity bill when I started doing this. So yes, I have become my mother. Great. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mad Max

Another manic Monday

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts but in the last month I made a few changes in my life which were:

  • quit my job
  • moved to Chicago
  • returned to school to pursue an M.S.
and all of the preparation for the above consumed my thoughts and left me unable to do much else except sit gazing blankly at my computer screen. But I made a chart today! a pathetic attempt to make up for lack of posts perhaps? ; )

Here is a chart comparing my January 2010 and January 2011 credit card debt:

As you can see I began 2010 with 9 credit cards and I rang in 2011 with 7 credit cards! ::Gleeful laughter::

Admittedly, only one of the cards I paid off was a large one but I believe in the debt snowball effect (pay off smallest balances first and apply extra $ towards the next smaller balance card next and so on).

Side story: 
The funny part about the Mastercard I paid off last year (using my tax refund) was that 4 business days after my balance was $0, the account was closed by the bank! When I called to ask why (since I used my entire tax refund and didn't put any funds in savings (bad move!)) I was told the account had been closed because my credit report reflected high utilization of credit! I calmly explained I was aware of my appalling balance: available credit ration which was why I had paid the card off to help tilt the scale and asked if they could reopen the account. The end result? One less open account and a lifelong grudge towards Chase. Live and learn! 

2010 monthly credit card payments: $494

2011 monthly credit card payments: $400

Small change but still a positive factor!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic year thus far! ::more gleeful laughter as tax refund deposit envisioned::